
One Click LCA features per pricing plan

Enterprise plans include all Expert functionality and advanced capabilities.

Features for buildings & infrastructure





Compliance and certification
Tools for BREEAM, LEED & 80+ certifications compliance LCA tools for your region and application, more available as add-ons LCA tools for your region and application, more available as add-ons All included
In-app workflow x x x
Environmental impact indicators As per local requirements As per local requirements As per local requirements
Life-cycle stages As per local requirements As per local requirements As per local requirements
Compliant result reports x x x
Optioneering & Project benchmark
Create, copy, and edit design alternatives x x x
Create design alternatives without remodeling a BIM x x x
Compare alternatives with detailed tables and charts x x x
Track results from pre-design to as-built x x x
Lock and hide baseline or alternatives x x x
Carbon Heroes Benchmark x x x
Input data entry
Input and edit data in a web interface x x x
Reuse favourite materials x x x
Copy data from other projects and design alternatives x x x
Group materials to create construction assemblies x x x
Integrations & automation
Import data from Excel x x x
Import data from BIM or energy models in Autodesk Revit, Autodesk Civil 3D, Bentley, Excel, and 20+ tools x x x
Smart, automatic mapping for imported data x x x
BIM Model Checker x x x
Advanced partial, incremental and user-managed data imports x x x
Trace back LCA data to the BIM or other data you have imported x x x
Download, edit and re-import materials data in Excel   x x
Transfer data in both directions between One Click LCA and BIM tools like Autodesk Revit, Rhino, and Grasshopper x x x
Import data from SaaS software tools like Autodesk Platform Services and Procore   x x
Receive LCA data from your suppliers   x x
Allow colleagues and others to send you data directly from BIM   x x
Download all EPDs used in project for smooth reporting   x x
LCA database access
200,000 unique One Click LCA generic datapoints for materials, utilities and processes x x x
+10,000 unique One Click LCA complex assemblies, including constructions and MEP systems x x x
+100,000 verified industry Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) datasets x x x
All local statutory databases for compliance tools x x x
Clear data cards x x x
Materials Compass x x x
Private data management
Send and receive private LCA data     x
Create your own concrete mix designs   x x
Create your own construction assembly libraries   x x
Import or input your private LCA data libraries   x x
Receive LCA data directly from manufacturers   x x
Material & product benchmarking
See product carbon intensity, with automatic unit conversion for data entered x x x
Compare data via comprehensive data cards x x x
Select data to compare in custom graphs   x x
Advanced EPD benchmarking for detailed specification   x x
Eco design & LCA modeling features
Set transport and service life scenarios x x x
Set carbon price or social cost of carbon x x x
Set transport & service life scenarios x x x
Set up Data Localization at Project Level x x x
Set End of Life scenarios for the whole project x x x
LCA Checker x x x
Specify End of Life scenarios for each material or EPD   x x
See detailed calculation method for every row x x x
Advanced Materials Manufacturing Localization   x x
Report generation
Summary and analysis charts x x x
Customizable Sankey Diagram and Spidergram x x x
Support & training
Top-rated customer support x x x
Extensive help center x x x
24/7 self onboarding x x x
Standard free onboarding support x x x
Advanced tailored onboarding, training & support Available as add-on Available as add-on x
Deployment support
Archive and unarchive projects x x x
Folders for project grouping   x x
Advanced usage reporting     x
Flexible access to all software, including compliance tools and add-ons     x
API for LCA workflow automation, project reporting & more     x
Service Level Agreement     x
Single Sign-On x x x
Enterprise security solutions, including federated Single Sign-On     x
Security certified with SOC 2 and ISO 27001, most stringent cybersecurity standards worldwide x x x
Tools for regional regulation, like GLA, Klimatdeklaration, RE2020, and more Available as add-on Available as add-on x
Early design carbon optimization with Carbon Designer 3D x x x
Life Cycle Costing Available as add-on Available as add-on x
Infrastructure Life Cycle Cost tool Available as add-on x x
Building Circularity Available as add-on x x
Infrastructure Carbon & LCA Available as add-on Available as add-on x
Net Zero Carbon tool Available as add-on Available as add-on x
MEP systems life cycle carbon tool Available as add-on Available as add-on x
Carbon Strategy tool for GHG Protocol alignment Available as add-on Available as add-on x
Extended Support Packs Available as add-on Available as add-on Available as add-on

Features for product LCA & EPDs





Assess product carbon footprint
Calculate product carbon footprint easily x x x
Environmental impact indicators GWP only, EN 15804+A1 According to EN 15804+ A1 & A2 According to EN 15804+A1+A2. Extensions for ISO 21930/TRACI 2.1, INIES and others available
Pre-verified calculation model  

applied to pre-verified product categories

applied to pre-verified product categories

Create EPD
Pre-verified tool for EPD Hub   x x
International EPD System   Available as add-on Available as add-on
Generate EPDs for French regulations (INIES FDES, PEP Ecopassport)   Available as add-on Available as add-on
Generate ready draft EPDs in Word   x x
Generate ready draft background reports in Word   x x
Create private LCA data or project EPDs     x
Send your EPD to EPD Hub in a single click   x x
Leverage ready-made EPD templates   x x
Machine readable output format (ILCD+EPD)     x
Verify & publish
Product Carbon Footprint Report x x x
Publish to One Click LCA's database   x x
EPD third-party verification and publishing – EN 15804 and ISO 14025   Service fees apply Service fees apply
Project EPD plausibility verifications   Service fees apply Service fees apply
Create, copy & edit alternatives x x x
Compare alternatives with detailed tables & charts x x x
Lock & hide baseline or alternatives x x x
Input data entry
Input, edit data in a web interface x x x
Reuse favourite materials x X x
Copy data from other projects & templates   x x
Integrations & automation
Import materials and descriptive data in Excel for automated EPD generation   x x
Smart, automatic mapping for imported data   x x
Advanced partial, incremental and user-managed data imports   x x
Download, edit and re-import materials data in Excel     x
LCA database access
Access specified Ecoinvent datasets for your product category x x x
Access the entire Ecoinvent database & LCIA database Available as add-on Available as add-on Available as add-on
Extensive generic database for materials, energy and processes x x x
One Click LCA’s generic construction and system data libraries x x x
Extensive verified database of qualifying global & local EPDs x x x
Clear data cards x x x
Download available EPDs from the database   x x
Materials Compass     x
Private data management
Send/receive private LCA data   x x
Create your own construction assembly libraries     x
Import or input your private LCA data libraries     x
Eco design and LCA modeling features
Carbon impacts shown for each material broken down by life-cycle stage x x x
Mass Balance for correct results   x x
Biogenic Carbon Balance for correct results   x x
Energy Balance for correct results   x x
See detailed calculation method for every row     x
Multi-site and multi-product averaging     x
Green material benchmark - market EPD benchmarking     x
Result visualisation
Summary and analysis charts x x x
Advanced graphs     x
Customize graphs using your custom classifications     x
Deployment support
Folders for project grouping     x
Support & training
Outstanding Customer Support x x x
Extensive help centre x x x
Extensive onboarding by experts Partial scope x x

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