
7 steps to CSRD compliance with One Click LCA

Panu Pasanen

Mar 8 2025 min read

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), effective from January 05, 2023, sets mandatory sustainability reporting requirements for companies in the European Union and the European Economic Area. This guide outlines compliance timelines, key steps, and how One Click LCA simplifies the process. The Omnibus proposal, published in February 2025 by the European Commission is expected to significantly reduce the number of companies required to report and postpone compliance deadlines.
7 steps to CSRD compliance with One Click LCA

What is the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)?

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) introduces mandatory sustainability reporting standards for organisations operating in or engaging with the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA).  Compliance with the CSRD relies on adherence to the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).

Originally expected to affect over 50,000 companies, a proposed amendment, referred to as the Omnibus Proposal, could reduce this number significantly, exempting about 80% of the affected companies. It significantly expands the scope of entities required to report compared to its predecessor, the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), but new revisions by the European Commission are expected to reduce and simplify reporting obligations.

Pre-Omnibus CSRD reporting deadlines — when does your company need to comply?

CSRD compliance is phased in over several years, with reporting obligations tied to company size, operations, and geography. Here’s a breakdown of the timeline:

  • Companies covered under the NFRD must report in 2025.
  • Large companies meeting two of these criteria — 250+ employees, €50M+ turnover, or €25M+ assets — must comply with reports due in 2026.
  • Listed small and medium enterprises (SMEs) need to prepare for reporting in 2027.
  • Non-EU companies with significant EU operations must submit their first reports by 2029.

CSRD Timeline OCL-1

Proposed CSRD changes (pending approval)

To reduce the regulatory burden, on February 26, 2025, the European Commission proposed amendments that will postpone compliance deadlines, limit affected companies, and simplify reporting obligations.

Revised CSRD scope

  • Only companies with 1000+ employees will be required to report. 
  • Listed SMEs and smaller large companies (250-999 employees) are removed from scope. 
  • Non-EU company threshold increases from €150M to €450M turnover.

Revised timeline 

  • First wave (unchanged): Large public interest entities with 500+ employees still report in 2025 for the 2024 financial year.
  • Second wave (delayed): Other large companies with 1000+ employees (previously 250+ employees) will now report in 2028 (instead of 2026) for the 2027 financial year.
  • Third wave (delayed & reduced scope):
    • Listed SMEs are removed from mandatory reporting but may voluntarily report using a simplified standard.
    • Large companies with up to 1000 employees are exempt from CSRD reporting.
    • Compliance pushed back to 2029 (instead of 2027).
  • Fourth wave (delayed): Non-EU companies with significant EU operations now report in 2030 for the 2029 financial year (instead of 2029).

7 steps to CSRD compliance

1. Assess sustainability impacts in alignment with European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS)

Under the CSRD, companies are required to identify and assess sustainability impacts, risks, and opportunities according to the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). This includes evaluating the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impacts of their operations, as well as their entire value chain — spanning both suppliers (upstream) and customers (downstream), including indirect relationships.

The ESRS framework includes five environmental, four social, and one governance standards. One Click LCA supports analysis in areas such as:

  • Climate change
  • Pollution
  • Water and marine resources
  • Biodiversity and ecosystems
  • Resource use and circular economy

Proposed change:

  • The scope of required impact assessments will be reduced as CSRD reporting obligations will only apply to companies with 1000+ employees (previously 250+ employees).
  • Value-chain reporting requirements will be relaxed, meaning companies will not be required to obtain sustainability data from SMEs beyond voluntary reporting standards.
  • Sector-specific ESRS standards may be eliminated, simplifying reporting complexity.

One Click LCA’s early-phase tool, Carbon Designer 3D provides a quick and seamless solution for quantifying whole business-level impacts for Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) companies. It generates construction projects of any type, anywhere in the world, in just minutes.

Carbon Designer 3D: generates construction projects of any type, anywhere in the world, in just minutes.

Read more

2. Determine which impacts are material: Impact- and finance-wise

The ESRS defines material sustainability impacts as follows:
  • For actual (current) impacts, materiality is based on their severity, which considers the impact's scale, scope, and irremediable nature (for negative impacts only).
  • For potential impacts, materiality is determined by both their severity and likelihood.

Companies establish their own thresholds for impact materiality. Any exclusions must be disclosed and are subject to audit.

Financial materiality is identified when an impact either triggers or is reasonably expected to trigger significant financial consequences. This includes risks or opportunities that could materially influence future development, financial position, performance, cash flows, access to finance, or cost of capital. All impacts must be evaluated over the following timeframes:

  • Short-term: One reporting year.
  • Medium-term: Up to five years.
  • Long-term: Beyond five years.

The process for identifying material impacts must be documented in accordance with IRO-1, which outlines the methodology for assessing material impacts, risks, and opportunities.

One Click LCA’s CSRD solution simplifies materiality determination based on your input. One Click LCA advises AEC and manufacturing businesses to include climate change, resource use, and circular economy as material impacts.

3. Quantify the material data points

Indicator Reporting content Quantification tools
ESRS E1-1 Transition plan to reach climate neutrality by 2050, including mitigation actions and decarbonisation levers Carbon Designer 3D allows quick optioneering for various scenarios
ESRS E1-4 Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets for Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions, separately or combined GHG Accounting Tool and Carbon Strategy Tool
ESRS E1-6 Gross Scope 1, 2, 3, and total GHG emissions, including emissions from each significant Scope 3 category GHG Accounting Tool and Carbon Strategy Tool
ESRS E2-4 Pollution of air, water, and soil — quantification of pollutants (e.g., ozone-depleting substances, acidification, eutrophication) LCA tools quantify internal and supply chain pollution.

ESRS E3-4 Water consumption — quantify water use LCA tools measure freshwater use and water scarcity
ESRS E4-5 Impact metrics related to biodiversity and ecosystem changes, including land use and biodiversity stress Biodiversity Supply Chain Tool and LCA tools support these calculations
ESRS E5-3 Targets for resource use and circular economy—circular materials, primary materials, and sustainable sourcing Building Circularity Tools and full-spectrum LCA tools quantify these targets.
ESRS E5-4 Resource inflows — technical and biological masses; share of sustainably sourced materials; weight and percentage of secondary reused, recycled components, intermediary products, and materials Building Circularity Tools and full-spectrum LCA tools quantify these targets.


4. Report the mandatory ESRS data points

The following two standards are mandatory for reporting: ESRS 1 (General Requirements) and ESRS 2 (General Disclosures). 

One Click LCA’s CSRD compliance solution guides users in answering specific questions about these standards. Additionally, ENVI-met facilitates the quantification of climate adaptation risks related to heat stress, heat waves, and temperature variability for ESRS 2 IRO-1.

5. Create your sustainability statement

ESRS specifies the minimum requirements and a standardised template for the sustainability statement. This statement must be published either concurrently with or as part of the company’s management report. 

One Click LCA’s CSRD compliance solution automatically generates the required documentation based on your input.

6. Get your sustainability statement audited

Sustainability statements must undergo an audit, with the minimum level being limited assurance. The statutory auditor typically performs the audit, but other authorised auditors in EU member states may also undertake the task. The statutory auditor is required to present the findings in an assurance report, along with an opinion aligned with assurance standards adopted by the European Commission.

One Click LCA’s CSRD compliance software simplifies the audit process by ensuring a clear data trail, reducing communication overhead, and minimising data transfer burdens.

7.  Publish your sustainability statement

CSRD reports must also be submitted in a machine-readable format with data tagged for automated processing. This technical format is based on XBRL and adheres to the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) standards. 

One Click LCA’s CSRD compliance software automatically generates these machine-readable files to ensure seamless submission.


Simplify your CSRD compliance

Automate reporting and achieve seamless CSRD compliance in 7 steps.