Biodiversity Supply Chain
Measure & report construction supply chain biodiversity impacts

Screen your supply chain for hotspots
Companies are now subject to both regulatory and market-driven voluntary disclosures to assess and report on their nature-related impacts, dependencies, risks, and opportunities. The One Click LCA Biodiversity Supply Chain Stress Tool aligns with the first two steps of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) LEAP approach, to provide developers with results suitable for TNFD and other disclosures.
- Locate your interface with nature
- Screen your supply chain to identify hotspots
- Evaluate your dependencies and impacts on nature
- Understand your initial impact with an intuitive ecosystem condition metric

Align to reporting
Companies subject to the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) can use the tool to report according to European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). Disclosure Requirement E4-5 requires companies to report metrics of the impact on biodiversity and ecosystems for its direct operations and supply chain, and impacts on ecosystem condition may be disclosed based on life cycle assessment. Alignment between ESRS and TNFD ensures one set of results can be used in multiple disclosures.
- Companies under the EU CSRD can use the tool to report per ESRS.
- Requirement E4-5 mandates reporting biodiversity and ecosystem impact metrics.
- ESRS and TNFD alignment allows using one set of results for multiple disclosures.

Optimize your supply chain
With the One Click LCA Biodiversity Supply Chain Stress Tool, there is no requirement for upfront primary data collection, as the impacts are based on life-cycle assessment. Easily and quickly screen your supply chain using existing data and immediately act on the results, as the tool is responsive to positive design changes such as reducing transport distances or reusing materials. Reduce the biodiversity impact of your supply chain quickly and directly with design changes synchronized across tools.
- Impacts are based on life-cycle assessment.
- Quickly screen your supply chain using existing data and act on results immediately.
- Reduce biodiversity impact with synchronized design changes across tools.

Meet your biodiversity goals with One Click LCA
Talk to our carbon experts and see how we can support your biodiversity goals.