BIM- och andra integrationer

Dra nytta av 20+ BIM- och andra integrationer för effektiviserade klimatberäkningar

One Click LCAs klimatberäkningsverktyg stödjer dina designverktyg och säkerställer en sömlös integration med ditt befintliga arbetsflöde – med avancerade integrationsmöjligheter för all din klimatdata.

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Effektivitet och precision i hållbarhetsbedömningar

  • Kompatibilitet: One Click LCAs kompatibilitet med Autodesk Revit, Archicad, Tekla Structures och andra branschledare tillgodoser olika projektbehov.
  • Dynamisk analys: Dra nytta av realtidsuppdateringar av LCA som återspeglar ändringar i dina BIM-modeller.
  • Brett filstöd: Med robust stöd för stora BIM-filformat som IFC och gbXML säkerställs sömlös integration och dataintegritet.
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Ditt BIM — på ditt sätt

One Click LCA är utformat för att fungera tillsammans med 20+ BIM och andra mjukvaruverktyg, vilket effektiviserar ditt arbetsflöde med klimatberäkningar. Utforska de tillgängliga integrationerna och hitta den perfekta passformen för dina projektbehov.



The integration exports a bill of materials from the Allplan model to the One Click LCA platform for Life Cycle Assessment.


The integration exports a bill of materials from the Archicad to the One Click LCA platform for Life Cycle Assessment



The integration exports LCA results to Autocase enabling early-stage evaluation of both embodied and operational carbon emissions in building design.
Autodesk Civil 3D

Autodesk Civil 3D

The integration exports a bill of materials from the Autodesk Civil 3D to the One Click LCA platform for Life Cycle Assessment.
Autodesk Construction Cloud and BIM360

Autodesk Construction Cloud and BIM360

The integration exports a bill of materials from models uploaded to Autodesk Construction Cloud and BIM360 to the One Click LCA platform for Life Cycle Assessment.
Autodesk Forma - One Click LCA Generative Design

Autodesk Forma - One Click LCA Generative Design

One Click LCA Generative Design extension connects powerful generative design algorithms and complex geometry constraints input with Autodesk Forma. It generates and optimizes early-stage real estate designs by aligning them with zoning requirements and user-defined constraints. Note: The extension does not support data import into One Click LCA.

Autodesk Navisworks

Autodesk Navisworks

The integration exports a bill of materials from the Autodesk Navisworks Manage to the One Click LCA platform for Life Cycle Assessment.
Autodesk Revit

Autodesk Revit

The integration enables Life Cycle Assessment results to be viewed directly in the Autodesk Revit plugin. It also supports environmental profile assignments within the app and exports a bill of materials to the One Click LCA platform.

Autodesk Revit via Naviate Zero

Autodesk Revit via Naviate Zero

The integration enables Life Cycle Assessment results to be viewed in the Autodesk Revit via the Naviate Zero plugin. It also supports environmental profile assignments within the app and exports a bill of materials to the One Click LCA platform.
Autodesk Takeoff

Autodesk Takeoff

The integration exports a bill of materials from the Takeoff packages to the One Click LCA platform for Life Cycle Assessment
Bentley iTwin

Bentley iTwin

The integration exports a bill of materials from the Bentley iTwin Platform and Bentley iTwin Experience to the One Click LCA platform for Life Cycle Assessment.

Integration setting up guidance

Bentley OpenBuildings Designer

Bentley OpenBuildings Designer

Export your desktop model from OpenBuildings Designer to iModel for carbon analysis using iTwin Experience.


The integration exports a bill of materials from Buildrz to the One Click LCA platform for Life Cycle Assessment.
Custom integrations

Custom integrations

From XML, JSON, web services and other sources.


The integration transfers the energy model to the One Click LCA for materials modelling and for Life Cycle Assessment.

Excel and CSV formats

Excel and CSV formats

Enabling easy import of quantity take-offs or costing data



The integration exports materials and energy information to the One Click LCA platform for Life Cycle Assessment.
IFC — Industry Foundation Classes

IFC — Industry Foundation Classes

The international standard (ISO 16739) for BIM. Support for IFC 2×3 and IFC4

*via third-party software



The Integration exports data from Procore projects to the One Click LCA platform for Life Cycle Assessment.


The integration allows an export of as-built material quantities from Qflow, to be sent into the One Click LCA platform for as-built life cycle assessments.
Rhino & Grasshopper

Rhino & Grasshopper

The integration enables Life Cycle Assessment results to be viewed directly in the Rhino & Grasshopper plugin. It also supports environmental profile assignments within the app and exports a bill of materials to the One Click LCA platform.



One Click LCA now connects to SAP S/4HANA, enabling you to perform carbon and life-cycle assessments, as well as generate Environmental Product Declarations, from data that are accessible in SAP S/4HANA Bill of Material.
Simplebim and Naviate Simple BIM

Simplebim and Naviate Simple BIM

The integration exports a bill of materials from the Simplebim to the One Click LCA platform for Life Cycle Assessment.
SketchUp Pro via IFC

SketchUp Pro via IFC

Solibri Office

Solibri Office

The Integration exports a bill of materials from the Solibri Office to the One Click LCA platform for Life Cycle Assessment. It also supports environmental profile assignments within the app.


The integration enables data extraction from IMPACT to One Click LCA, facilitating the creation of third-party verified Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). Also allows real-time carbon performance assessments of the design.
Tekla Structural Designer

Tekla Structural Designer

The integration automates embodied carbon assessment and design low-carbon structures with the One Click LCA and Tekla Structural Designer integration.
Tekla Structures

Tekla Structures

The integration automates embodied carbon assessment and design low-carbon structures with the One Click LCA and Tekla Structural Designer integration.

Trimble Connect

Trimble Connect

The integration automates embodied carbon assessment and design low-carbon structures with the One Click LCA and Trible Connect integration.


Minska koldioxidutsläppen i din design - lär dig av våra klimatexperter

Kom igång med LCA, EPD, GHG-rapportering, livscykelkostnadsberäkning, Green Building-certifiering och mycket mer.

Delta på kostnadsfria LCA-utbildningar

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Läs nyheter och artiklar

Få insikter från klimatexperter och lär dig mer om klimatberäkningar och livscykelanalyser med One Click LCA-programvara.

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Lär dig mer om andra förmågor

Global klimatdata

Lås upp potentialen hos över 250 000 datapunkter för att stärka dina hållbarhetsprojekt.

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Global efterlevnad

Följer Klimatdeklaration, Miljöbyggnad, BREEAM, LEED, DGNB och över 80 andra certifieringssystem, standarder och krav.

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Enkel, intuitiv LCA

Förenklar komplexa bedömningar till en tydlig, hanterbar process.

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Täcker alla projektets faser

Bedöm klimat- och miljöpåverkan av alla projekt, och i alla projektskeden.

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Automatiserad EPD-process

Spara tid och kostnader med EPD-generator, automatiserade kvalitetskontroller, verifiering och publiceringstjänster.

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Boka en demo med våra LCA- & EPD-experter

Lär dig hur One Click LCAs Klimat- och hållbarhetsprogramvara kan stödja dina projekt.

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