Certifications et conformité

Conforme aux normes EN / ISO et à plus de 80 certifications

Le logiciel global One Click LCA aide les équipes de projet AEC à se conformer aux réglementations, normes et exigences essentielles en matière de construction dans le monde, notamment la norme EN 15978 et le(s) niveau(x) dans l'UE, ainsi que les certifications commerciales telles que LEED et BREEAM, et bien d'autres encore.


Respecter les normes de conformité

Filtrez par type de projet ou par région pour obtenir des résultats sur mesure qui reflètent des normes spécifiques.

EN/ISO Standards

EN/ISO Standards

Infrastructure LCA

FprEN 17472:2021 

Sustainability assessment civil engineering works

EN/ISO Standards

EN/ISO Standards

Building LCA

EN 15978, ISO 21931-1 & ISO 21929-1

Sustainability of construction works

Calculation methods

EN/ISO Standards

EN/ISO Standards

EPD Generator: EN 15804, EN 15804+A1, ISO 21930, EN 15942

Pre-verified EPD Generator: EN 15804+A2, ISO 14044

One Click LCA EPD tools: support ISO 14067*

*This requires using the software in line with EN 15804. ISO 14067 requires reporting separately fossil and biogenic carbon emissions, as well as land use change emissions. In addition, it requires reporting carbon storage separately.

Australia's National Scheme

Australia's National Scheme

Austria's National Scheme

Austria's National Scheme

  • ÖGNI
BREEAM International

BREEAM International

Mat 01 – 100 % rating. Get up to 19+ credits with One Click LCA.
BREEAM Infrastructure (Formerly CEEQUAL)

BREEAM Infrastructure (Formerly CEEQUAL)



Get up to 16 credits in BREEAM ES.



Get up to 14 credits in BREEAM NOR NC 2016


Get up to 21 credits in BREEAM SE


Get up to 25 credits in BREEAM UK



California's first mandatory green building standards code.

  • Hit your 10% carbon reduction requirements for CALGreen
  • Quickly calculate different CalGreen scenarios for early design decisions
  • New CALGreen Tool for designers
Canada's National Schemes

Canada's National Schemes

  • CaGBC® Zero Carbon Building Standard
  • Zero Carbon certification for New Construction
  • Waterfront Toronto Green Building Requirements (sections 3.3, 6.2, 6.3 and 7 submissions).
  • Toronto Green Standard
China's National Schemes

China's National Schemes

  • Green Building Label / Three Star, credit 1.2.11 Building carbon emission analysis
  • National Standard for Building Carbon Emission Calculation GB/T51366-2019
Denmark's National Scheme

Denmark's National Scheme

  • Active House Specification


DGNB (Germany), ÖGNI (Austria), SGNI (Switzerland), DK-DGNB (Denmark), and DGNB International

DIN V 18599 Siegel

DIN V 18599 Siegel

DIN V 18599 Siegel

  • Zertifiziert Energieeffizienz nach DIN V 18599.
  • Unterstützt die Berechnung der Energieperformance von Gebäuden.


Réduction carbone (E+C-) – référentiel du 1er juillet 2017
Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Ellen MacArthur Foundation

 Circularity Method



Infrastructure carbon assessment tool according to Envision v3.97 is now available. This calculation tool supports the carbon assessment credits CR1.1 and CR1.2 as well as reporting of reused content, site wastage and on-site earthworks for credits RA1.2, 1.4 and 1.5.
Finland's National Schemes

Finland's National Schemes

  • RTS ympäristöluokitus: Y1.1 Elinkaaren hiilijalanjälki ja T1.1 Elinkaarikustannukset
  • Green Building Council Finland: Building Performance Metrics (Rakennusten elinkaarimittarit)
  • Ympäristöministeriön Rakennusten hiilijalanjäljen arviointimenetelmä
  • Finnish government evaluation method
France's National Schemes

France's National Schemes

  • Bâtiment Bas Carbone
  • Bâtiment Durable Méditerranéen
  • Bâtiment Durable Francilien
  • RE2020
GRESB Real Estate Reference Guide

GRESB Real Estate Reference Guide

Supporting DMA1, DMA2.1, DMA2.2
German Schemes

German Schemes

  • BNB
  • DGNB
  • Umweltzeichen Hafencity
  • Nachhaltiger Wohnungsbau
  • Qualitätssiegel Nachhaltiges Gebäude (QNG)
Green Star Australia

Green Star Australia

Credit 19A – Life cycle assessment, points available: 7

Green Star New Zealand

Green Star New Zealand

  • LCA for Green Star New Zealand with EN 15804 + A2
  • Design and As built v1.1.1 using data according to EN 15804 +A2 standard
  • Results reported in all listed impact assessment categories as required in the calculation scheme
  • Innovation Challenge / Material Life Cycle Impacts, points available: 6
  • Innovation Challenge / Environmental Product Declarations, points available: 2
Green Star South Africa

Green Star South Africa

Green Star Public & Education Building + Green Star SA adjustments to other African countries
Man-14 Life Cycle Costing, points available: 1
Home Star

Home Star

Calculate whole life embodied greenhouse gas emissions.

Access manufacturer-specific EPDs and generic data.

Calculate quantity of reused material.



Supports HQE International, France. Evaluate up to 6 targets.


High Speed Two (HS2)

Carbon footprinting and life cycle assessment, P06 LCA and P02 requirements

IMPACT compliant

IMPACT compliant

IMPACT compliant. IMPACT equivalent.

Infrastructure Sustainability Council (Australia)

Infrastructure Sustainability Council (Australia)

One Click LCA is approved against the Infrastructure Sustainability Materials Calculator (ISMC v2.0.10) and reduction credit (Mat-1 or Rso-6)
Ireland's National Scheme

Ireland's National Scheme

HOME PERFORMANCE INDEX (HPI) EN 10.0: Embodied impact of materials


One Click LCA supports LEED v4, v4.1 and LEED v3 (2009).

Get up to 10 points.

(LEEDv4.1 CI,Life-Cycle Impacts Reduction credit has three options for compliance, and the third option is to perform an LCA)



One Click LCA can fully support almost all Level(s) macro-objectives.

Living Building Challenges

Living Building Challenges

Meet your Embodied Carbon Targets
Living Future

Living Future

International Living Future Institute

  • Recognizes regenerative buildings that create positive impacts on the environment.
  • Measures energy, water, and material performance.
Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI)

Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI)

LCBI is a pan-European certification that measures whole-life carbon emissions of buildings using a methodology aligned with major European standards.
NaWoh Zertifizierung

NaWoh Zertifizierung

  • Zertifiziert Wohngebäude für Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Verantwortung.
  • Bewertet Wohnqualität und Umweltleistung.
Netherland's National Schemes

Netherland's National Schemes

Generate EPDs compliant with MPG & NMD requirements
Norway's National Schemes

Norway's National Schemes

  • NS 3720
  • Referansebygg
  • FutureBuilt 2018
  • PowerHouse
  • TEK21


PAS 2080

PAS 2080

Poland's National Schemes

Poland's National Schemes

  • Zielony Dom Certificate


France's new environmental regulation for buildings, focusing on energy efficiency, reduced carbon emissions, and comfort during extreme heat.

  • Automates compliance with energy and carbon requirements.
  • Simplifies reporting and documentation for smooth certification.
Singapore's National Schemes

Singapore's National Schemes

Spain's National Schemes

Spain's National Schemes

  • VERDE Omega & Residential
Sweden's National Schemes

Sweden's National Schemes

  • Miljöbyggnad
  • Klimatdeklaration
  • NollCO2
Switzerland's National Schemes

Switzerland's National Schemes

  • SGNI – DGNB and SIA 2032 «Graue Energie von Gebäuden»

Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)

One Click LCA’s Biodiversity Stress Tool helps comply with TNFD by assessing the biodiversity impacts of construction projects using supply chain data and providing aligned nature-related metrics.
United Kingdom's National Schemes

United Kingdom's National Schemes

  • RICS: Whole life carbon assessment for the built environment
  • Home Quality Mark
  • UK CIBSE TM 65 Embodied Carbon for Building Services
US's National Schemes

US's National Schemes

  • Green Globes for new construction: 3.5 MATERIALS AND RESOURCES Path A: Performance Path for Building Core and Shell
  • Parksmart
  • Minnesota B3 Guidelines – Available now
  • Meet the SE 2050 Challenge
  • NYS EO22 and NYS EO23
  • Buy Cleans
  • Envision v3.97
Zero Carbon Certification

Zero Carbon Certification

Meet your embodied carbon targets


Respecter les réglementations mondiales et locales

Alignement de la taxonomie de l'UE

Découvrez les outils conformes à la taxonomie pour les projets de construction, les produits et les portefeuilles.

Plan de Londres de la GLA

Utilisez la solution One Click LCA pour soutenir chaque étape du processus, de la phase de pré-candidature à la phase de post-construction, en passant par la phase de soumission des plans.

Royaume-Uni - RICS WLCA, 2ème édition

Répondre aux exigences de la 2e édition de la RICS WLCA PS avec One Click LCA, un outil approuvé par le London Plan Guidance pour les méthodologies d'évaluation reconnues au niveau national.

France - RE2020

Soutenir le secteur français de la construction dans la mise en œuvre de l'ACV pour les projets de construction.

Danemark - Klimatdeklaration

Utilisez le logiciel One Click LCA, approuvé par l'Office du logement, pour une automatisation rapide et efficace de l'ACL.

Finlande - Rakennusten vähähiilisyyden arviointimenetelmä

Concevoir et construire des bâtiments à faible émission de carbone avec le logiciel One Click LCA.

Norvège - NS 3720

Préparer les calculs de gaz à effet de serre conformément à NS 3720, BREEAM, Futurebuilt et cartographier la circularité de vos projets de construction.

Italie - Critères environnementaux minimaux (CAM)

Quantifiez l'impact du cycle de vie de vos bâtiments, trouvez des matériaux à forte teneur en matières recyclées et respectez les paramètres de démantèlement en fin de vie. Générer un rapport d'audit et respecter les critères environnementaux minimaux (CAM).


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Découvrez comment One Click LCA peut vous aider en matière de certifications, de conformité et de normes dans le monde entier.