If you have been thinking about investing in EPDs but are not sure where to start or are confused by some of the terminology, this is for you.
Why do you need an Environmental Product Declaration?
The construction sector is changing. Carbon efficiency and transparency increasingly drive investment and procurement choices, with Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) increasingly supporting decision-making, as construction professionals and specifiers rely on the standardized data included in an EPD to make decisions about which products to specify.
As a construction product manufacturer, having an EPD will help you stand out from the competition: this guide will show you how.
LCA: The method used for product EPDs
EPDs use life-cycle assessment (LCA) to quantify and then communicate the lifetime environmental impact of a product. They are third party verified and based on international standards, so provide an objective, credible and neutral assessment. In creating an EPD, a manufacturer is not making claims of low impact, but rather showing a commitment to measure and transparently declare environmental impact in an accessible format. If you have been thinking about investing in EPDs but are not sure where to start or are confused by some of the terminologies, this guide is for you. It starts with an overview of EPDs: covering the concepts you need to know to get started. It then takes you through the EPD creation process and ends with a section on how to use EPDs to gain a competitive edge. Along the way, it includes essential supporting information and ends with a glossary.
EN & ISO compliant EPD at scale
One Click LCA's EPD Generator helps manufacturers create EPDs within weeks.
This guide was prepared by One Click LCA, an independent firm of construction carbon specialists operating globally out of Finland. Used in 170+ countries, One Click LCA is the world-leading end-to-end sustainability platform for construction and manufacturing. The AI-powered software decarbonizes and drives sustainability across the construction value chain with scientific, easy-to-use, automated life-cycle assessment (LCA) and environmental product declarations (EPDs) to calculate and reduce the environmental impacts of building, infrastructure, and renovation projects and products. The platform also allows assessment of circularity, life-cycle cost, and biodiversity.
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